June 11, 2019
3 Easy and Effective Ways to Prevent Burn Out
Have you been feeling burned out lately? If so you are not alone. Seems that these days more and more people are experiencing stress, and overall feeling of being exhausted…
December 11, 2017
How To Be Successful After Weight Loss Surgery
It's true. That even after weight loss surgery, it's possible to regain your weight. All of it. So how can one be successful on this journey? I share my thoughts…
December 11, 2017
What Did and Did Not Happen After Weight Loss
There were some things that I was certain would happen after I lost weight. Some of it was based on some pseudoscience and the other was loosely based on my…
November 5, 2017
How I Became Friends With The Other Woman: The Power of Forgiveness
There was no way we should have become friends. She was the one that my husband (well now ex) had cheated with. I couldn't believe another woman would willingly be…
October 31, 2017
What Really Happens In The Bathroom?
When you think of a bathroom, rather public or private, many different things or events may come to mind. It is a place designed and known for relieving oneself, showering…
May 10, 2017
“God is Here For You! You’re Just Not Listening!”
Fairy-tales versus faith. I was addicted to fairy-tales and had a little faith. All my life I searched relentlessly for my prince charming or what I like to call, my other…
May 3, 2017
Sugar is not evil
Sugar is not evil. In fact, without the naturally occurring sugars in fruits, vegetables, and milk our bodies would cease to work. However, refined sugar and the added sugars that…