If you’ve been drowning in tons of self-help or dieting advice, a new eBook is designed to cut through the fluff and get straight to the actions you can take to change your life for the better. The My Happy Life Jump-Start Guide is available on Amazon and is designed for today’s shorter attention spans and busier lives. It includes real-world advice for living a happier and healthier life and consists of 12 comprehensive action items and original infographics on nutrition, the benefits of body movement, stress relief, and more.

This book for all ages is unique from others in the genre in that is doesn’t focus on one area only, but gives the reader the power to create a happier life by addressing four key areas that impact their happiness and well-being:
- Eat Happy: Weight, nutrition, wellness
- Move Happy: Moving your body without it being a chore
- Work Happy: Taking control of stress and your future career goals
- Think Happy: Using good mental habits to keep you in a happy space
“Often, we think it’s all or nothing when it comes to exercise, weight loss, or just living our dreams. But our happiness is closer than we know! It’s there in small steps that add up over time and make happiness a habit. I want to be your biggest cheerleader, to reach out to all those looking for a more fulfilling life and let them know they CAN build their dreams before their eyes,” stated Francesca Crolley, author and founder of HappinessMe.
The My Happy Life Jump-Start Guide is available now on Amazon.com and also at the HappinessMe website at https://happinessme.net/product/my-happy-life-jump-start-guide/