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Without a doubt education opens doors and increases opportunities for all who have the opportunity to partake in the academic exercise. This is especially true for girls and young women in developing nations. Education is a critical part of the process of becoming a woman who knows.

Finishing grade school and going on to college or trade school can benefit one in so many ways and yet school loan debt isn’t one of them but I digress. GirlTalkHQ reports that for every additional year of schooling beyond elementary level a girl gets, her potential to earn money increases. Economic studies are now starting to see educated girls who participate in the public sphere as a valuable asset to a country’s GDP.

According to Glamour magazine writer, Shay Maunz, “50 million girls around the world between the ages of 12 and 18 aren’t in school. Countless others are on the brink of dropping out, at risk of missing out on the education they deserve. The barriers standing between those girls and an education are as numerous and diverse as the girls are themselves—some can’t afford tuition, others are forced into early marriage, still others are dealing with turbulent home lives and emotional trauma.”

Girls education advocate and Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai, uses her tragic experience to speak out against the injustice of not educating girls and things are slowly changing. Partnerships are being formed to help the cause such as the collaboration between Glamour Magazine and Girls Inc. The two organizations launched The Girl Project in 2014. Together they are raising funds and awareness on the importance of educating girls.

Filmmaker Elizabeth Lo goes to India to meet and share Keerthi's story.

Filmmaker Elizabeth Lo goes to India to meet and share Keerthi’s story.

Using Storytelling to Promote Educating Girls

The ‘Get Schooled’ video series sponsored by Glamour magazine is a docu-series directed by five young female directors who crossed the globe to share the stories of five young girls. The series features girls from Kansas, Malawi, New York City, India, and Brazil who are supported by The Girl Project’s partner organizations, Communities in Schools, CARE, Lower Eastside Girls Club, She’s the First, and Plan International USA.


Meet Karine. Karine lives in Brazil and risks physical harm each time she leaves her house for school but she is undeterred. She is strong and determined and definitely a young woman who knows. You can watch her story below.

To watch more of this series visit Glamour magazine online.
Educating girls is unquestionably one of the best things that can happen for young girls, their families and their communities.
Let’s raise a generation of young girls around the world who know.

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