Two of our favorite things in the same blog post!
Redeemed Ministries is a Houston-area nonprofit that helps women rebuild their lives after prostitution and sex trafficking. We love them for all that they do. We even followed the operations director, Desirie Dougall, earlier this year and compiled a short documentary of a day trip to Austin, TX for an End Trafficking Now press conference at the Capitol.
When the organization launched Sparrow House Botanicals we were excited. We were beta testers for their first round of products and gladly gave our feedback. Well, they listened to all the feedback and officially launched the brand in August!
Now, this isn’t just about buying bath salts and bubble bath. Honestly, you can buy these products anywhere. But here’s where you can make a difference in a woman’s life.
According to the Redeemed Ministries website, finding employment is a difficult challenge for survivors due to their background. So to help overcome this barrier, Sparrow House Botanicals was created in order to provide employment history for survivors as well as job skills they would need in their future endeavors.
So the Orange Mint Sugar Scrub you buy from Sparrow House is helping a survivor gain new skills.
I’ve personally tried the sugar scrub and body butters and if you have dry skin or winter skin, they’re perfect. You’ll definitely leave the shower moisturized.
The products are nicely scented yet not over-powering.
They will make wonderful gifts this holiday season.
Visit them online at
[Disclaimer: We received free product to try in exchange for a review.]
Lisa N. Alexander is the author and founder of This Woman Knows and What Million-Dollar Brands Know. She is an award-winning filmmaker, director, producer, and writer and is the owner of PrettyWork Creative.